Monday 2 March 2015

Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths

Drinking in the depths of the ocean may cause visions of Cthullu and Ghost Pirates...


  1. Make an Azir drink please when you have time of course. Thank you.

  2. Sup bro! Loved the drinks haha! I'll try making as soon as possible. Since I'm from brazil, there is some "ingredients" hard to find tho.

    But anyway, keep the good work! It's been a year since you don't post any...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Is the blogger still alive? I feel like I remember him saying that he had some health issues. If you're still alive, please post new ones at some point. Maybe even do drinks based on the pro teams. I'd love to see your take on what an SKT T1 drink might look like. :D
